FreeBSD Port: azureus-
Ion-Mihai Tetcu
itetcu at
Thu Jun 9 10:38:24 GMT 2005
On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 23:46:54 -0400
Eric Ekong <eric at> wrote:
> Just wondering what the ETA on the latest release of Azureus
> will be in ports. Is there anything that can be done to help out with
> the build. Seems a few things have changed just from trying myself.
> I do appreciate the move to jdk1.5 to fix some memory leaks. Now, if
> we could only get it up to the latest release I bet many would be
> happy. --
Also tried and also got stuck, but this was before last eclipse update.
BTW, anyone tried to compile azureus with gcj
( ?
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