a portlint dilemma

Adam Weinberger adamw at magnesium.net
Wed Jul 27 05:17:53 GMT 2005

Mikhail Teterin wrote:
>> There are some chicken-and-egg problems like this in bsd.port.mk (well,
>> the part that is invoked by bsd.port.pre.mk).  At one time I understood
>> which each of them was but I haven't looked at them in a long time.
> Actually, I think, I found the way. Look at the new GraphicsMagick port.
> portlint would've raised hell about this trick (if it new about variable 
> modifiers), but that would be groundless. ARCH is not expanded until OPTIONS 
> is used (by which time ARCH is already known), so things work just fine.
> A more straightforward way would be to:
> 	OPTIONS=	MEOW "MEOW?" ${MEOW_on_off}
> 	.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
> 	.if ${ARCH} == "i386"
> 	MEOW_on_off=	on
> 	.else
> 	MEOW_on_off=	off
> 	.endif
> 	.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
> This is also fooling portlint -- OPTIONS are, in fact, modified after 
> including the ...pre.mk. And there is nothing wrong with that :-)
> 	-mi

That is indeed a very good - albeit sneaky - trick!

The main problem that I find with the OPTIONS chicken-and-egg problem is 
that you can't modify OPTIONS based on the presence of files because, 
when OPTIONS processing takes place, LOCALBASE and X11BASE aren't 
defined. Do you have a good sneaky trick for that case?

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
adamw at magnesium.net || adamw at FreeBSD.org
adamw at vectors.cx    ||   adamw at gnome.org

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