Global port configuration question

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-ports-local at
Tue Jul 19 13:41:31 GMT 2005

"Jim Trigg" <jtrigg at> writes:

> Is there a way to implement the equivalent of portupgrade's BEFOREBUILD,
> BEFOREDEINSTALL, and AFTERINSTALL commands at a global level (i.e. on the
> order of /etc/make.conf rather than something specific to either
> portupgrade or portmanager)?  For two examples, I'd like to automatically
> have perl-after-upgrade run when I upgrade perl, and to automatically have
> postfix stopped before deinstall and restarted after install, whether I'm
> doing an upgrade manually, through portupgrade (when I just want to
> upgrade one or two ports rather than everything), or through portmanager.

Nothing obvious.
You can probably override some targets with a Makefile.local.

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