FreeBSD Port: vnc-4.1.1

Bruce A. Mah bmah at
Mon Jul 18 01:06:21 GMT 2005

If memory serves me right, Mike Edenfield wrote:
> Jack L. wrote:
>  > On 7/16/05, Dennis Kirschner <dennis at> wrote:
>  >
>  >> I just did a "make install clean" on the VNC port and the
>  >> installation immediately goes out to download the sources
>  >> for XFree86 4.3.0, as though my system (5.4-RELEASE-p4)
>  >> is running <> 6.8.2.
>  >>
>  >> Is it supposed to do that? XFree86 is not listed as a
>  >> dependency of the /net/vnc/ port.
>  > Yes, I'ved noticed it does that as well. I think it's
>  > supposed to do that, but it would be nice if it used xorg.
> Yes, it's supposed to do that.  RealVNC's build requires 
> that version of the X source to be present when building the 
> vncserver.  It's not installing any separate parts of XF86 
> on your system, as far as I can tell; it's merely using the 
> source code in its own build process.

net/vnc needs the XFree86 sources because they're a required part of the
Xvnc build.  If you don't need the Xvnc server, then you can define
WITHOUT_SERVER when building/installing the port.

> Note that other VNC clones, such as TightVNC (which I use) 
> don't have this behavior; this suggests it might be possible
> to swap out XF86 for Xorg and still get a working RealVNC. 
> There's no X_SOURCE_FILES or anything similar in 
>, so vnc's Makefile would need a condition on 
> X_WINDOW_SYSTEM added to it directly.  I may try this later 
> to see if it works.

The port maintainer tried building with Xorg and had problems (sorry I
don't recall what those are).  Not sure if he posted this to a list or
not; I learned of it through a private email exchange.

BTW, the loadable module built with the port works just great
with Xorg.


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