New port problems

Paul Schmehl pauls at
Sun Jul 17 05:14:05 GMT 2005

--On July 15, 2005 3:27:07 PM -0700 Brooks Davis 
<brooks at> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 04:28:27PM -0500, Paul Schmehl wrote:
>> I'm working on a new port.  This port needs to grab a tar.gz file, unzip
>> it  and then copy two files to the right directories (one to
>> /usr/local/bin,  the other to /usr/local/etc) and put the docs in the
>> right dir.
>> So, I'm using NO_BUILD=        yes
>> But, when I try to install the port, I get the error "make: cannot open
>> Makefile.
>> *** Error code 2".  Obviously, the port is still trying to compile from
>> source, even though I've used NO_BUILD.  Is there a trick I'm missing?
>> Is  there a specific order that NO_BUILD needs to appear in, in the
>> Makefile?
>> Here's the entire Makefile, if that helps.  (The LIB_DEPENDS line is
>> commented out because, right now, the tclX port doesn't build, so I have
>> to  test without it for now):
> Here's your problem:
>> post-install:
>>        ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} -m 751 ${WRKSRC}/client/
> ...
> you need to set do-install if you don't want the system attempt to
> perform a "make install".
Thank you.

Paul Schmehl (pauls at
Adjunct Information Security Officer
University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member

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