FreeBSD Port: acroread7-7.0.0

Trevor Johnson trevor at
Tue Jul 12 00:49:30 GMT 2005

Bradford Castalia wrote:

> I've just upgraded from FreeBSD 4.8 to 5.4 and am in the process of
> restoring the ports/packages that I use.
> idaeim:castalia>> acroread 00_HIROC_AGENDA3.pdf
> (acroread:1378): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown
> user id (100)

I haven't seen that error before.  My guess is that the entry for the user
castalia is missing from the /etc/master.passwd file.  If you get an error
message when you run the whois command, I am probably right.  In that
case, put the proper entry in /etc/passwd by copying it from your old
passwd file, or by using vipw or adduser.  Then invoke pwd_mkdb to
regenerate /etc/master.passwd.
Trevor Johnson

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