FreeBSD Port: libgnugetopt-1.2

Florent Thoumie flz at
Sun Jul 10 17:08:02 GMT 2005

Michael Nottebrock wrote:
> On Sunday, 10. July 2005 10:00, zhoumin wrote:
>>   Hi,my name is zhoumin.when I installed libgnugetopt-1.2 on FreeBSD 4.7 I
>>am getting one error :
>>    pkg_add: read_plist: bad command '@conflicts freelibiberty-*'
>>   Then I intalled the sysutils/pkg_install port according to your
>>suggestion mentioned in a letter.But the error still exist.Do you know what
>>I can do ?
> You need to make sure you're actually using the pkg_add from the pkg_install 
> port - i.e., you have to run /usr/local/sbin/pkg_add - just typing pkg_add 
> will still run /usr/sbin/pkg_add, which is the outdated version that ships 
> with FreeBSD 4.7.
> Alternatively, you can 
> delete /usr/sbin/pkg_add, /usr/sbin/pkg_create, /usr/sbin/pkg_delete, /usr/sbin/pkg_info 
> and /usr/sbin/pkg_version - this will leave only the new versions of those 
> utilities in your path and you can run pkg_* again without any path 
> prepended.

	I'd add a suffix (e.g. .old) instead of removing them. This
	could cause problems when trying to upgrade sysutils/pkg_install
	I think.

	Btw, FreeBSD 4.7 is unsupported and upgrading could be a good
	idea (at least to a recent version of 4.x).

Florent Thoumie
flz at
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