PHP ports/packages framework is seriously flawed

Alex Dupre ale at
Fri Jan 14 06:50:22 PST 2005

Valéry wrote:
> i'm not from FreeBSD, but if i can advise you :
> php is *very scalable*, and before having all
> options you want, you must build it 5 or 6 times.
> I'm using 4.3.4

Then, build it another time, 4.3.4 has a lot of serious bugs.
FYI, you can install new extensions without rebuild php, using the ports.

> and it was compiled not from
> the BSD ports, but from the sources.
> The 1st reason is that - i think - a port cannot show
> you every configuration you want, specially with
> php ; there's a lot of '3rd part software' with
> php.

Ever tried lang/php4-extensions?

> The second one is that compiling php in
> this way is not difficult, php is well done,
> and well documented, and you'll get
> exactly what you expect from php (eg GD, XML,
> XSL, CLI or CGI, ...).

Same with ports, without messing the filesystem.

> More, you can patch your php without waiting
> a new port, and this is important for security.

Sure, this is the reason you have 4.3.4 version and the port is at 
4.3.10, right? :-)

Alex Dupre

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