devel/pcre and WITH_UTF8

Marwan Burelle Marwan.Burelle at
Mon Feb 21 06:30:18 PST 2005

Hi list,

I'm writing a port for the CDuce language (in fact I've already submit
a PR, 77342, but since I wasn't awake some comment in pkg-descr and
Makefile are wrong) that depend on devel/pcre (via devel/ocaml-pcre)
but it requires that pcre is build with UTF8 supports (cduce will
build, but won't work, and so the port will stop when trying to
generate documentation.)

In the version I submited, I recommand to rebuild devel/pcre with
WITH_UTF8 set (in fact my comments were wrong here, I need to sleep
befor submiting a port.) But, I see nothing to constraint the build
process of devel/pcre with this option.

Since pcre is widely used and WITH_UTF8 is not set by default, this
can be very annoying (you cannot simply try a portinstall lang/cduce,
if devel/pcre is already installed ... )

I have two question: is there a way to force some options for a port
depency (that is, if devel/pcre is installed, checked if the option
was used, and force reinstall if not ... ) ? And, does-it make a
problem to build devel/pcre with WITH_UTF8 set by default (it is set
on my system and I actualy encouter no error, but it doesn't proove

Another simple question, I send a patch for my PR to the commiter who
point me the problems of my PR, but is it sufficient or should I
submit another PR ?

Burelle Marwan,
Equipe Bases de Donnees - LRI
(burelle at | Marwan.Burelle at
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