Current unassigned ports problem reports

FreeBSD bugmaster bugmaster at
Mon Feb 21 03:00:46 PST 2005

Current FreeBSD problem reports

The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users.
These represent problem reports covering all versions including
experimental development code and obsolete releases.

Bugs can be in one of several states:

o - open
     A problem report has been submitted, no sanity checking performed.

a - analyzed
     The problem is understood and a solution is being sought.

f - feedback
     Further work requires additional information from the
     originator or the community - possibly confirmation of
     the effectiveness of a proposed solution.

p - patched
     A patch has been committed, but some issues (MFC and / or
     confirmation from originator) are still open.

s - suspended
     The problem is not being worked on, due to lack of information
     or resources.  This is a prime candidate
     for somebody who is looking for a project to do.
     If the problem cannot be solved at all,
     it will be closed, rather than suspended.

c - closed
     A problem report is closed when any changes have been integrated,
     documented, and tested -- or when fixing the problem is abandoned.

Critical problems

S  Submitted   Tracker     Resp.       Description
o [2001/02/22] ports/25272 ports-bugs  Using lang/eperl as cgi/nph binary execut
o [2004/12/28] ports/75558 ports-bugs  www/rt3 should *NOT* remove rt3/etc/RT_Si
o [2005/02/21] ports/77846 ports-bugs  Port extra-files-after-deletion fix

3 problems total.

Serious problems

S  Submitted   Tracker     Resp.       Description
s [2001/10/02] ports/30993 ports-bugs  xxgdb cannot open source file
o [2002/04/07] ports/36846 ports-bugs  fxtv 1.03 freezes the system when $LANG=d
s [2002/04/17] ports/37186 ports-bugs  Dbview contains an error, because of whic
s [2002/06/18] ports/39476 ports-bugs  profxp will run but when you fxp a file i
s [2002/12/18] ports/46338 ports-bugs  security/cyrus-sasl 1.5.27_7 mysql_verify
s [2003/05/11] ports/52079 ports-bugs  vmware3 hangs when nmdm(4) is used as COM
o [2003/05/30] ports/52793 ports-bugs  Samba 2.2.8a printing woes
s [2003/08/08] ports/55371 ports-bugs  xfig dumps core (unaligned access), if US
f [2003/11/15] ports/59298 ports-bugs  Can't render anything with Blender / RADE
s [2003/12/29] ports/60700 ports-bugs  squid cannot be built with transparent-ip
o [2004/01/08] ports/61053 ports-bugs  opengk cause cored dump version 4.9 and 5
f [2004/02/05] ports/62377 ports-bugs  strace hangs when running programs from c
s [2004/02/25] ports/63354 ports-bugs  security/bcwipe does not act successfully
a [2004/06/09] ports/67735 ports-bugs  biology/ncbi-toolkit does not build bl2se
o [2004/06/11] ports/67851 ports-bugs  pwlib requires gc-3.3 to build properly o
a [2004/07/20] ports/69322 ports-bugs  ghostscript-afpl (8.14_5.1) fails if I tr
o [2004/08/05] ports/70021 ports-bugs  [PATCH] mail/spamass-milter: Reliability 
o [2004/09/07] ports/71475 ports-bugs  ACID (snort DB) detects versions incorrec
f [2004/09/11] ports/71578 ports-bugs  graphics/xfig - problem during install, m
o [2004/11/06] misc/73586  ports-bugs  Lexmark X73 printer makes banging noises 
s [2004/11/08] ports/73688 ports-bugs  net/netdude: port does not compile
o [2004/11/10] ports/73758 ports-bugs  logjam port does not link
o [2004/11/26] ports/74432 ports-bugs  ohphone 1.4.1 crashes in 5.3 Stable
o [2004/11/26] ports/74438 ports-bugs  New Port: www/p5-W3C-LinkChecker - checks
s [2004/12/08] ports/74857 ports-bugs  clamav socket problem
o [2004/12/23] ports/75416 ports-bugs  x11-toolkits/xview broken from removal of
f [2004/12/31] ports/75679 ports-bugs  /usr/ports/emulators/vmware3 cannot be fe
o [2005/01/18] ports/76434 ports-bugs  sysutils/lcdproc coredumps when started w
o [2005/02/01] ports/76931 ports-bugs  openh323 port won't build if ffmpeg is in
o [2005/02/05] ports/77122 ports-bugs  fixed serious bug in AxKit::CharsetConv c
o [2005/02/07] ports/77185 ports-bugs  (re)add PCL3 driver to print/ghostscript-
o [2005/02/16] ports/77584 ports-bugs  New ports: games/sear, games/sear-media. 
o [2005/02/17] ports/77640 ports-bugs  pyste not installed as part of devel/boos
f [2005/02/18] ports/77679 ports-bugs  [maintainer-update] Updating mail/sccmilt
o [2005/02/19] ports/77707 ports-bugs  Fix for ports/77403 introduced circular d
o [2005/02/20] ports/77794 ports-bugs  tk8.4.7. port v 1.85 fails to build (depe
o [2005/02/20] ports/77803 ports-bugs  BitTornado port v. 1.14 requires manual c

37 problems total.

Non-critical problems

S  Submitted   Tracker     Resp.       Description
o [2000/10/30] ports/22412 ports-bugs  two extraneous ports and one name change
s [2001/01/13] ports/24299 ports-bugs  New port sysutils/tpconfig: configure the
f [2001/03/29] ports/26192 ports-bugs  apel appeared both in xemacs/site-package
o [2001/07/11] ports/28887 ports-bugs  [PATCH] sandbox for httptunnel
s [2002/10/07] ports/43771 ports-bugs  LaTeX ports mixed between print and textp
o [2003/02/18] ports/48426 ports-bugs  [PATCH] digger-vgl does not support conso
o [2003/06/03] ports/52906 ports-bugs  vid-1.0.1 from ports does not work with U
o [2003/07/25] ports/54866 ports-bugs  libgnugetopt incompatibility breaks mjpeg
s [2003/08/28] ports/56091 ports-bugs  hp220 driver for print/ghostscript-gnu do
o [2003/12/21] ports/60472 ports-bugs  [New Port] devel/doxymacs Doxymacs is Dox
o [2003/12/23] ports/60521 ports-bugs  sane-backends-1.0.13_1 coredumps in use w
o [2004/01/08] ports/61069 ports-bugs  [patch] ports/Mk/ is not PREF
s [2004/01/17] ports/61471 ports-bugs  Suggested mini-patch to ports/graphics/sa
o [2004/02/02] ports/62256 ports-bugs  New port: chinese/mozilla-sclp
o [2004/02/14] ports/62840 ports-bugs  New Port: dns/bind9-sdb-ldap, bind9 patch
o [2004/02/17] ports/62960 ports-bugs  new port: sysutils/mapchan, utility "mapc
f [2004/02/25] ports/63357 ports-bugs  [patch] www/linux-mozillafirefox port cre
o [2004/03/08] ports/63936 ports-bugs  New port: security/aimsniff A perl script
f [2004/03/13] ports/64202 ports-bugs  New Port: x11/kde_api_reference_32, the k
o [2004/03/15] ports/64307 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] databases/linux-unixODBC: RPM 
o [2004/03/28] ports/64838 ports-bugs  new port: chinese/msttf
o [2004/03/29] ports/64898 ports-bugs  new port: misc/heyu2 for X10 control
f [2004/03/31] ports/65009 ports-bugs  Maintainer update: lang/gforth (build fix
f [2004/04/20] ports/65824 ports-bugs  sysutils/LPRng and sysutils/LPRngTool - a
o [2004/04/28] ports/66042 ports-bugs  new port: www/suexec13 (standalone suexec
o [2004/05/04] ports/66246 ports-bugs  new ports: textproc/docbook-utils, textpr
o [2004/05/04] ports/66266 ports-bugs  ports/net/yptransitd: support FreeBSD NIS
o [2004/05/05] ports/66282 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] mail/p5-Mail-Vispan: PERL scri
o [2004/05/11] ports/66506 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] www/p5-Apache-GopherHandler: G
o [2004/05/23] ports/67095 ports-bugs  New port: www/p5-PLP: A Perl embedder som
s [2004/05/25] ports/67192 ports-bugs  mod_perl-related regressions in the newes
o [2004/06/04] ports/67572 ports-bugs  New port: mnogosearch-devel: Full feature
s [2004/06/11] ports/67815 ports-bugs  ImageMagick no longer recognizes FlashPix
o [2004/07/08] ports/68826 ports-bugs  various anomalies with xemacs port
f [2004/07/09] ports/68872 ports-bugs  audio/libmikmod update to 3.2.0-beta2 ; a
o [2004/07/25] ports/69556 ports-bugs  New port: security/secure_delete Secure d
o [2004/07/25] ports/69586 ports-bugs  New port: chinese/PCManX
o [2004/08/05] ports/70017 ports-bugs  New port: japanized strings(1) command (j
o [2004/08/06] ports/70062 ports-bugs  tetxproc/p5-Bloom-Filter - A new port of 
o [2004/08/10] ports/70271 ports-bugs  [new port] biology/finchtv a DNA sequence
f [2004/08/11] ports/70308 ports-bugs  finance/openhbci port update
f [2004/08/13] ports/70433 ports-bugs  new plugin port for childsplay
o [2004/08/20] ports/70683 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2-PodViewer
f [2004/08/21] ports/70801 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] mail/crm114-devel: An Markov b
o [2004/08/23] ports/70845 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] devel/tkshape - A Tk library t
o [2004/08/26] ports/70999 ports-bugs  New port: graphics/evas1 Hardware acceler
o [2004/09/03] ports/71326 ports-bugs  New Port: net/shmux Shell multiplexer usi
o [2004/09/04] ports/71381 ports-bugs  New port:: A tool that, installed on a ga
o [2004/09/07] ports/71461 ports-bugs  New port: net/vqcc-gtk LAN chat client co
f [2004/09/08] ports/71489 ports-bugs  [PATCH] www/slash: initial support for mo
f [2004/09/09] ports/71535 ports-bugs  port sysutils/xbatt modification
f [2004/09/11] ports/71604 ports-bugs  Update port: net/qadsl Update to 1.3.3
o [2004/09/21] ports/71953 ports-bugs  New port: x11-themes/kde-splash-freebsd: 
o [2004/09/22] ports/71997 ports-bugs  New port:math/webwork used to create prob
o [2004/09/24] ports/72055 ports-bugs  New port: lang/see Simple ECMAScript Engi
f [2004/09/29] ports/72167 ports-bugs  New port: lang/xharbour An extended xBase
o [2004/09/29] ports/72170 ports-bugs  [PATCH] www/mozilla-bonobo - build also w
o [2004/10/02] ports/72260 ports-bugs  New port: irc/xchat-ecl-plugin A plugin t
o [2004/10/07] ports/72421 ports-bugs  new port: py-Levenshtein
o [2004/10/12] ports/72550 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] mail/itraxp: Advanced perl sup
o [2004/10/14] ports/72700 ports-bugs  New port: devel/cl-uffi Universal Foreign
o [2004/10/14] ports/72701 ports-bugs  New port: devel/cl-uffi-cmucl Universal F
o [2004/10/14] ports/72702 ports-bugs  New port: devel/cl-uffi-sbcl Universal Fo
o [2004/10/16] ports/72758 ports-bugs  New port: latex-schedule
f [2004/10/16] ports/72759 ports-bugs  Portsentry doesn't install sample startup
s [2004/10/21] ports/72956 ports-bugs  x11/dgs incorrectly marked as IGNORE
o [2004/10/24] ports/73062 ports-bugs  New port: devel/p5-Gnome2-GConf, Perl bin
o [2004/10/24] ports/73063 ports-bugs  New port: misc/translator, a GTK+ fronten
o [2004/10/26] ports/73152 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] graphics/chartdirector: Charti
o [2004/10/29] ports/73270 ports-bugs  New port: www/p5-CGI-Builder-TT2
o [2004/10/30] ports/73320 ports-bugs  New Port: kde_head_api_reference, the kde
f [2004/11/09] ports/73721 ports-bugs  [MAINTAINER] lang/pike76: Fix 64bits brea
f [2004/11/11] ports/73833 ports-bugs  sysutils/smartmontools: smartctl -a /dev/
f [2004/11/13] ports/73917 ports-bugs  [PATCH] Update audio/cheesetracker to 0.9
o [2004/11/16] ports/74017 ports-bugs  [new port] net/gacxtool: The GTK ACX Tool
o [2004/11/18] ports/74086 ports-bugs  New port:chinese/chmsee A viewer for Micr
o [2004/11/19] ports/74097 ports-bugs  New Port: x11-clocks/my_clock: display th
f [2004/11/20] ports/74179 ports-bugs  [PATCH] Fix build of security/sfs
s [2004/11/21] ports/74195 ports-bugs  fix build error of devel/swarm for gcc 3.
f [2004/11/21] ports/74219 ports-bugs  [PATCH] xmms hides some interesting infor
f [2004/11/22] ports/74233 ports-bugs  ntfsclone (sysutils/ntfsprogs) broken
o [2004/11/23] ports/74293 ports-bugs  [new port] textproc/p5-IO-CSVHeaderFile: 
o [2004/11/23] ports/74294 ports-bugs  New port: jabber-pymsn-transport-0.7.4
o [2004/11/24] ports/74316 ports-bugs  New port: sysutils/env4801 environmental 
o [2004/11/24] ports/74340 ports-bugs  New port: sysutils/pcfclock - userland ac
f [2004/11/28] ports/74484 ports-bugs  update emulators/hatari to 0.50
f [2004/12/01] ports/74594 ports-bugs  Update port: audio/xmms-pipe to 0.5.4
o [2004/12/02] ports/74615 ports-bugs  new port: net/quoted
s [2004/12/02] ports/74625 ports-bugs  outdated GNU gatekeeper port
o [2004/12/03] ports/74637 ports-bugs  New port: news/klibido
o [2004/12/04] ports/74664 ports-bugs  New port: x11-clocks/bdesktopclock
o [2004/12/05] ports/74714 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] textproc/stardict2-rptts
f [2004/12/10] ports/74916 ports-bugs  sysutils/bpm - Patch which fixes running 
o [2004/12/12] ports/74996 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] sysutils/logwatch: Logwatch is
f [2004/12/12] ports/75000 ports-bugs  Patch port: audio/wsoundprefs unbroke por
o [2004/12/14] ports/75050 ports-bugs  new port: net/ventrilo
o [2004/12/14] ports/75078 ports-bugs  new port - yydecode is a decoder for usen
f [2004/12/15] ports/75129 ports-bugs  Update port: graphics/ftgl 2.09 -> 2.12
o [2004/12/15] ports/75130 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] www/mono-xsp: A light-weight w
o [2004/12/15] ports/75136 ports-bugs  New Port mail/xfaces (really a reinclusio
f [2004/12/16] ports/75147 ports-bugs  [PATCH] Several improvements to security/
o [2004/12/16] ports/75148 ports-bugs  [PATCH] math/concorde: update to 20031219
f [2004/12/19] ports/75247 ports-bugs  Update ports/convert/p5-Unicode-IMAPUtf7 
o [2004/12/20] ports/75285 ports-bugs  New Port: x11/padkey - Use an SNES pad on
f [2004/12/20] ports/75302 ports-bugs  Patches for cleaning problems reported by
f [2004/12/20] ports/75341 ports-bugs  Unable to install py-imaging port  python
o [2004/12/21] ports/75352 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] security/gaim-otr Off The reco
o [2004/12/21] ports/75363 ports-bugs  port files have a+x permissions security/
o [2004/12/21] ports/75369 ports-bugs  new port net/p5-Perlbal
o [2004/12/27] ports/75555 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] x11-toolkits/py-gtksourceview:
f [2004/12/28] ports/75566 ports-bugs  [PATCH] xmlada patch to compile docs
o [2004/12/30] ports/75643 ports-bugs  New Port: x11/PyPanel (A lightweight tran
o [2004/12/30] ports/75674 ports-bugs  [PATCH] net/giFT-OpenFT: update to 0.2.1.
o [2004/12/30] ports/75675 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] net/apollon: KDE client for gi
o [2005/01/02] ports/75717 ports-bugs  New port: fast spam/antivirus scanner for
o [2005/01/02] ports/75720 ports-bugs  The 4.10-RELEASE samba 3 package smbpassw
o [2005/01/03] ports/75744 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] misc/freshmeat-submit: Submiss
o [2005/01/06] ports/75889 ports-bugs  isc-dhcpd-server-3 .0.1 doesn't startup p
o [2005/01/06] ports/75893 ports-bugs  New port: shells/friedcshrc a shell start
o [2005/01/07] ports/75908 ports-bugs  New port: misc/thailocale A locale for Th
o [2005/01/07] ports/75916 ports-bugs  New port: net/decv
o [2005/01/07] ports/75921 ports-bugs  [new port] flpsed, a WYSIWYG pseudo PostS
o [2005/01/08] ports/75933 ports-bugs  New Port www/p5-HTML-Diff Perl module to 
o [2005/01/08] ports/75966 ports-bugs  [patch] improve samba-vscan port
o [2005/01/09] ports/75991 ports-bugs  New Port: x11-clocks/gtubeclock - A nixie
o [2005/01/09] ports/76013 ports-bugs  patch to allow mod_frontpage to work with
o [2005/01/10] ports/76068 ports-bugs  Update of devel/pcsc-lite
s [2005/01/11] ports/76091 ports-bugs  Update of security/ifd-slb_60
o [2005/01/11] ports/76102 ports-bugs  [new port] mail/nmzmail - fast mail searc
o [2005/01/11] ports/76111 ports-bugs  New port: x11-toolkits/p5-Gtk2-TrayIcon -
p [2005/01/11] ports/76116 ports-bugs  PORT UPDATE: graphics/lcms (with PATCH)
o [2005/01/12] ports/76131 ports-bugs  New port: x11-toolkits/py-wxPython-devel 
f [2005/01/13] ports/76217 ports-bugs  [ remove ] biology/act is now redundant
f [2005/01/13] ports/76219 ports-bugs  [ update ] biology/artemis to v6
o [2005/01/13] ports/76227 ports-bugs  RLE support for graphics/fbm
o [2005/01/15] ports/76275 ports-bugs  New port: net-mgmt/yabm Yet Another Bandw
o [2005/01/16] ports/76302 ports-bugs  New Port: news/knzb
o [2005/01/16] ports/76321 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT]: audio/easytag-gtk2
f [2005/01/17] ports/76353 ports-bugs  [patch, maintainer] Update tgif port from
o [2005/01/17] ports/76360 ports-bugs  update of buggy graphics/djvulibre
o [2005/01/17] ports/76365 ports-bugs  NEW PORT net/xdb_auth_cpile A user auth/c
o [2005/01/17] ports/76379 ports-bugs  New port:biology/p5-Bio-Das
o [2005/01/18] ports/76406 ports-bugs  New port: databases/p5-Class-DBI-DDL Comb
f [2005/01/18] ports/76409 ports-bugs  cfengine2 compile problems, berkeleydb re
o [2005/01/20] ports/76507 ports-bugs  New Port: www/instiki
o [2005/01/20] ports/76510 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] sysutils/fanout: Allow you to 
o [2005/01/22] ports/76556 ports-bugs  Update: www/publicfile optional patches
o [2005/01/22] ports/76580 ports-bugs  [PATCH] graphics/kallery: unbreak/update 
o [2005/01/23] ports/76603 ports-bugs  [New Port] sysutils/lineak_kdeplugins: KD
f [2005/01/26] ports/76715 ports-bugs  [MAINTAINER] www/mod_vhs: update to 1.0.1
o [2005/01/26] ports/76731 ports-bugs  [PATCH] make cups-pstoraster GHOSTSCRIPT_
o [2005/01/29] ports/76811 ports-bugs  [patch] Updates for net/isc-dhcp3-server 
o [2005/01/29] ports/76820 ports-bugs  isc-dhcp3-server build for use in jail sh
o [2005/01/29] ports/76825 ports-bugs  isc-dhcp3-server port should allow listen
o [2005/01/29] ports/76834 ports-bugs  chrooted ISC dhcpd cannot resolve DNS nam
o [2005/01/30] ports/76853 ports-bugs  [maintainer] remove science/{ruby-,c}dcl-
o [2005/01/30] ports/76856 ports-bugs  [new ports] science/dcl - scientific grap
o [2005/01/30] ports/76868 ports-bugs  Gnofract4D port is out of date - new vers
o [2005/01/30] ports/76874 ports-bugs  New Ports: net/vde
o [2005/01/30] ports/76875 ports-bugs  security/cryptopp crashes if build with d
o [2005/01/31] ports/76908 ports-bugs  [patch] port net/arla (AFS client) is mar
o [2005/01/31] ports/76919 ports-bugs  new port x11-fonts/latex-xft-fonts
o [2005/01/31] ports/76928 ports-bugs  New port: www/WebCalendar, web-based cale
o [2005/02/01] ports/76940 ports-bugs  update ports: japanese/wikicker
o [2005/02/01] ports/76941 ports-bugs  Patch to science/vmd: compile and run vmd
o [2005/02/01] ports/76945 ports-bugs  Update port: sysutils/LPRng - fix packing
o [2005/02/01] ports/76946 ports-bugs  [PATCH] devel/bugzilla: fix plist missed 
o [2005/02/01] ports/76959 ports-bugs  Update port: math/polymake: patches has g
o [2005/02/01] ports/76979 ports-bugs  New port: devel/p5-Class-Gomor-Hash class
o [2005/02/02] ports/76986 ports-bugs  New port: print/pmx a pre-processor of Mu
f [2005/02/02] ports/76998 ports-bugs  ports/audio/sdl_sound configure doesn't f
f [2005/02/02] ports/77015 ports-bugs  /usr/ports/net/linpopup/ (linpopup-1.2.0_
o [2005/02/02] ports/77022 ports-bugs  Fix russian/pscyr
o [2005/02/03] ports/77041 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] devel/bitkeeper: Scalable Dist
f [2005/02/03] ports/77042 ports-bugs  new port: games/hattrickorganizer
f [2005/02/03] ports/77056 ports-bugs  Error building p5-Mail-Ezmlm-0.03.1 with 
o [2005/02/03] ports/77059 ports-bugs  New port: devel/atlas60.
o [2005/02/03] ports/77068 ports-bugs  Update port: java/eclipse-EPIC
o [2005/02/04] ports/77095 ports-bugs  New port: net/p5-Net-Packet [requires por
f [2005/02/05] ports/77146 ports-bugs  ftp/lftp does not build using make flag W
f [2005/02/06] ports/77160 ports-bugs  Update port: mail/qsf
s [2005/02/06] ports/77183 ports-bugs  new port request: devel/ifd-ccid
o [2005/02/07] ports/77191 ports-bugs  [MAINTAINER] x11-toolkits/py-kde: Attempt
f [2005/02/07] ports/77222 ports-bugs  [ new port ] audio/p5-MP3-Tag: module for
o [2005/02/07] ports/77228 ports-bugs  bug fixes for palm/p5-Palm-PalmDoc (with 
o [2005/02/08] ports/77282 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] graphics/p5-GraphViz-Makefile:
o [2005/02/10] ports/77342 ports-bugs  New port : lang/cduce An XML oriented fun
o [2005/02/10] ports/77359 ports-bugs  New port: graphics/gephex Software-based 
o [2005/02/11] ports/77373 ports-bugs  new port for squidclamav-1.1
o [2005/02/11] ports/77379 ports-bugs  [New Port] graphics/p5-Imager-Graph : Per
o [2005/02/11] ports/77395 ports-bugs  New port: audio/gai-album, an album cover
o [2005/02/11] ports/77396 ports-bugs  New port: audio/gai-visual-audio, an xmms
s [2005/02/13] ports/77453 ports-bugs  [request] new port: print/ghostpcl
f [2005/02/13] ports/77456 ports-bugs  Update port: irc/unreal
o [2005/02/13] ports/77469 ports-bugs  bricolage plist fix
o [2005/02/14] ports/77471 ports-bugs  New port: Device driver for Voicetronix O
o [2005/02/14] ports/77473 ports-bugs  New port submission - security/sguil-sens
o [2005/02/14] ports/77481 ports-bugs  [maintainer update] update x11-themes/qin
o [2005/02/14] ports/77482 ports-bugs  [maintainer update] update x11-themes/pha
f [2005/02/14] ports/77486 ports-bugs  maintainer update of net/p5-Net-MSN
f [2005/02/14] ports/77487 ports-bugs  maintainer update for mail/p5-Mail-Alias 
s [2005/02/15] ports/77556 ports-bugs  New port: irc/evangeline
o [2005/02/15] ports/77577 ports-bugs  New port: audio/festlex-ifd Italian lexic
o [2005/02/15] ports/77578 ports-bugs  New port: audio/festogi-italian Italian s
o [2005/02/15] ports/77579 ports-bugs  New port: audio/festvox-lp Italian female
o [2005/02/15] ports/77580 ports-bugs  New port: audio/festival-pc Italian male 
f [2005/02/16] ports/77590 ports-bugs  games/powermanga cannot rize level 4
f [2005/02/17] ports/77624 ports-bugs  Update orphaned port lang/clisp to latest
o [2005/02/18] ports/77690 ports-bugs  new port submission - security/sguil-serv
f [2005/02/19] ports/77711 ports-bugs  misc/gtl: notice of intent
o [2005/02/19] ports/77717 ports-bugs  sysutils/doconfig: de-orbit (maybe)
o [2005/02/19] ports/77720 ports-bugs  [maintainer update] sysutils/munin-main 1
o [2005/02/19] ports/77721 ports-bugs  [maintainer update] sysutils/munin-node 1
o [2005/02/19] ports/77740 ports-bugs  [patch] www/mod_fastcgi allow select NO_S
o [2005/02/19] ports/77746 ports-bugs  new port: misc/linux-sunbird
o [2005/02/20] ports/77790 ports-bugs  [maintainer update] POE::Component::EasyD
o [2005/02/20] ports/77791 ports-bugs  [maintainer update] POE::Component::Serve
o [2005/02/20] ports/77793 ports-bugs  [Maintainer-update] distinfo updating for
o [2005/02/20] ports/77800 ports-bugs  Reserve UID 202 for Dspam (mail/dspam mai
o [2005/02/20] ports/77802 ports-bugs  [MAINT-UPD] mail/dspam: update to 3.2.7
o [2005/02/20] ports/77807 ports-bugs  [MAINT-UPD] mail/dspam-devel: update to 3
o [2005/02/20] ports/77810 ports-bugs  [PATCH] Unbreak games/yadex build on 64-b
o [2005/02/20] ports/77811 ports-bugs  Update port: www/lighttpd to 1.3.11
o [2005/02/21] ports/77814 ports-bugs  misc/yaucg: remove (unfetchable, obsolete
o [2005/02/21] ports/77815 ports-bugs  [PATCH] devel/libmba: update to 0.8.10 (f
o [2005/02/21] ports/77816 ports-bugs  [PATCH] textproc/domc: update to 0.8.0 (c
o [2005/02/21] ports/77819 ports-bugs  [PATCH] devel/pyumlgraph: fix unfetchable
o [2005/02/21] ports/77828 ports-bugs  [PATCH] devel/tkcvs: update to 7.2.2 (fix
o [2005/02/21] ports/77830 ports-bugs  [PATCH] emulators/ines: update to 3.0 (fi
o [2005/02/21] ports/77837 ports-bugs  [PATCH] games/kobodeluxe: fix unfetchable
o [2005/02/21] ports/77840 ports-bugs  [NEW PORT] mail/freepops
o [2005/02/21] ports/77842 ports-bugs  [PATCH] games/moonlander: fix unfetchable
o [2005/02/21] ports/77845 ports-bugs  [PATCH] games/wmfortune: fix unfetchable
o [2005/02/21] ports/77847 ports-bugs  [PATCH] astro/wmsun: fix unfetchable
o [2005/02/21] ports/77848 ports-bugs  [PATCH] astro/wmspaceweather: fix unfetch
o [2005/02/21] ports/77849 ports-bugs  [PATCH] games/xjumpx: fix unfetchable

236 problems total.

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