make configuration help: super-smack

Freddie Cash fcash at
Wed Dec 28 11:45:21 PST 2005

On December 28, 2005 11:38 am, Ashok Shrestha wrote:
> I was installing super-smack: portinstall -P super-smack

> It prompted me to choose options for mysql and postgres. So I chose
> both of them. But immediately after, I realized I don't want postgres.
> So I aborted: ctrl-C.

> But now everytime I portinstall or make from super-smack ports
> directory, it assumes I want postgres.

> Where is this configuration stored? How do I revert it to default so
> that it will prompt me to choose options for mysql and postgres?

Either delete /var/db/ports/super-smack/ or run "make rmconfig" or "make 
config" from the super-smack port's directory.

Freddie Cash
fcash at

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