Building gtk-2.6.9: problem and solution

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Fri Aug 12 01:48:00 GMT 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 11:20 +1000, lukem.freebsd at wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> >> Could someone tell me whether the pthread_ functions should actually be
> >> defined in /usr/local/lib/
> >
> > No, they shouldn't.  They're defined in  However, they
> > will not be linked into shared libraries.  Instead, the pkg-config
> > output for gthread-2.0 should contain -pthread.  What does ``pkg-config
> > --libs gthread-2.0'' report?  If it doesn't contain -pthread, then you
> > need to fix your glib20 installation.
> Indeed, it does not contain -pthread:
> bash-2.05b# pkg-config --libs gthread-2.0
> -L/usr/local/lib -lgthread-2.0 -lc_r
> How would one fix this?
> I have already rebuilt glib20 (glib-2.6.6), both by make deinstall / make 
> reinstall and by portupgrade -Rf glib-2.6.6.

No, it contains -lc_r.  Depending on the version of FreeBSD, it should
contain either -pthread or -lpthread.  What version of FreeBSD is this? 


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