www/opera: Could not start plug-in executable
Ion-Mihai Tetcu
itetcu at people.tecnik93.com
Wed Apr 27 05:25:23 PDT 2005
On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 13:31:55 +0200
Arjan van Leeuwen <avleeuwen at piwebs.com> wrote:
> Op woensdag 27 april 2005 11:50, schreef Ion-Mihai Tetcu:
> > On Wed, 27 Apr 2005 10:01:55 +0200
> >
> > Arjan van Leeuwen <avleeuwen at piwebs.com> wrote:
> > > > I don't think you can use plugin when you have open-motif built in
> > > > FreeBSD 5.x and www/opera binary was built in 4.x. Bug Opera developer
> > > > for build a different version for FreeBSD 5.x.
> > >
> > > That's correct. Opera is working on a FreeBSD 5.x build.
> >
> > Any ETA on it ?
> Nope. They should have had a build already, but Opera didn't have enough
> time/manpower to set it up. Very busy people :).
Hmm .... I'll have to start testing an other browser; which is to bad
since I use opera from 3.x or something and it has some unique and handy
features. Or maybe downgrade ....
> > This new version is much more unstable (w/o plug-ins
> > now) that the last one (which I was forced to restarted anyway after 1-3
> > days because of refusing to resolve addresses).
> Hmm... Do you have reproducible crashes?
None what so ever. Could happen after 3 minutes from start with 3 pages
or after 2 hours with a few windows full with pages.
And given the thread experience which one of my ports during 5.3 life
Cannot find thread 2: Thread ID=1, generic error
gives me a bad feeling.
The only exotic thing is that I'm building compat* with the base system
not from misc/compat4; could this be the cause ?
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