alternative options for ports

Jose M Rodriguez josemi at
Thu Oct 14 04:21:00 PDT 2004

El Jueves, 14 de Octubre de 2004 11:53, Sergei Kolobov escribió:
> On 2004-10-14 at 00:54 +0200, Sebastian Schulze Struchtrup wrote:
> > I thought of a way to specify configurations to build several
> > packages of the same port (of course with a diff. suffix) [called
> > port variations by David]
> > E.g. build the vim port three times,
> > First, with default options and WITH_GTK2 resulting in a package
> > vim-gtk2 Then with default options and WITH_KDE resulting in
> > vim-kde And then with default options and WITH_ATHENA resulting in
> > vim-athena. I don't know if there is a clean solution, but I
> > remember that this is (at least in some cases) handled with diff
> > ports and setting MASTERDIR and including the master's makefile.
> > But this would lead to many add. ports just for package building...
> AFAIK, OpenBSD has a feature called "port flavours" (if I'm not
> mistaken). I confess I haven't look into it in detail (yet) but it
> looks like it does exactly what you describe. That is, the port
> Makefile specifies something like:
> FLAVOURS= gtk kde athena
> which produces the corresponding vim-gtk, vim-kde, and vim-athena
> packages from a *signle* port, without a need to create a multitude
> of slave ports.
> Is there anybody working to bring this feature in our
> Sergei

It not so esay.  OpenBSD port system is binary oriented (And I think 
NetBSD pkgsrc also).  Even installing from ports, they make first de 
package and then install.


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