FreeBSD Port: linux-flashplugin6-6.0r79_1
Brandon D. Valentine
ports at
Mon Nov 29 08:19:15 PST 2004
On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 10:03:06AM +0100, GALLICAN wrote:
> Hello from France !
> Where can I find this port ?
> pkg_add -r flash6 don't work
> it seems the port does not exist on the freebsd server.
> Thank you for your answer.
> The sources from macromedia does not install on my freebsd 5.3
> (message - "operating system not supported"
Flash is neither open source nor free software and Macromedia's license
forbids FreeBSD from redistributing their software. You will have to
install this software from the port. There are no packages available.
I am not aware of any restriction in the www/linux-flashplugin6 port
which would prevent you from installing it on a FreeBSD 5.3 system and
many people are using this software, myself included, on FreeBSD 5.3.
If you are having trouble installing from the port please post a
complete and detailed error log of the build, something more than just
"operating system not supported".
Pseudo-Random Googlism: fall is peak season for yellow jackets in
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