FreeBSD Port: vim-lite-6.3.16

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Sat Nov 20 21:06:30 PST 2004

William Allison píše v so 20. 11. 2004 v 23:47 -0500:

> I'm sorry but I can't seem to figure this out and haven't been able to 
> get help on IRC.  

Maybe you visited wrong channel? #freebsd-gnome on FreeNode is here to
help you :)

> Would you please be kind enough to tell me how to 
> compile vim with gtk2 support.  I'm using 5.3 -RELEASE if that helps.  
> I'll continue to try and figure out the Makefile.

Compile with WITH_GTK2=yes on your command line:

make install clean WITH_GTK2=yes

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

Fufie> snow should be on the tv and in the mountains, not here
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