distfiles always out of date

Nguyen Tam Chinh chinhngt at sectorb.msk.ru
Sat Nov 13 23:15:08 PST 2004

Hello everybody,
I'm sorry if this topic was posted (I'm not in the list :().
Our distfiles is often out of date consider with the ports. Many of us
maintain a distfiles mirror
for our LANs, and for many people it's very
useful. But the ports is always changed quickly, and sometimes it takes
weeks to see the source distribution in distfiles.
IMHO, an updated and  centralized distfiles is so okay.
What do you think then?
With best regards,          |            The Power to Serve
Nguyen Tam Chinh            |          http://www.FreeBSD.org
Loc: sp.cs.msu.ru           |
http://chinhngt.svmgu.com   |  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/copyleft.html

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