HEADS UP: OpenLDAP 2.2 library soname change

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at fillmore-labs.com
Thu May 27 04:46:05 PDT 2004

Affected: users of net/openldap22-*

Please read UPDATING if you have any OpenLDAP 2.2 libraries installed.

You can check this with

  pkg_info -I 'openldap-*-2.2.*'

Note that the ports tree default is still OpenLDAP 2.1, which is not affected.

I followed the OpenLDAP soname change:

While I'm not totally happy with their choice, I believe it is better
to be in sync with the upstream library naming scheme.

Ports using USE_OPENLDAP shouldn't notice the soname change, except that they
need to be recompiled to use the new library.

This change breaks OpenLDAP 2.2 support in:


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