ports/67070: [Patch] WebMagick generates nonstandard html

Vladimir Chukharev chu at h33.erkki.ton.tut.fi
Mon May 24 10:15:18 PDT 2004

On Mon, 24 May 2004 03:21:59 -0700 (PDT), Andrey A. Chernov 
<ache at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> Synopsis: [Patch] WebMagick generates nonstandard html
> The  main  goal  here  is to produce most compatible html, i.e. rendered
> identically by most of browsers, and not pure standard compliance. I not
> see how your fixes can help identical rendering, but I see that it broke

I thought a secondary goal exists, being standards complient.
Mea culpa, it does not.

> it  in several places. Some changes are pure nosense, like changing tags
> case, some does nothing to rendering. If you'll find browser that render
> generated  pages in wrong way and will find a fix for it which not broke
> other  browsers  in  the  same time (at least Mozilla, IE, old Netscape,
> Opera should be tested), you are welcome.

I tested only with Mozilla, IE, Opera and w3m. Didn't see any change
in rendering for one browser (rendering by IE and w3m are not identical).
Little speed up does not count - suspect myself being inclined.
Sure, testing was insufficient.

You do not show what it broke, I cannot comment on that.

Close the PR.

> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=67070

Best regards,

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