sylpheed-claws cannot display images.

Ion-Mihai Tetcu itetcu at
Wed May 19 07:18:41 PDT 2004

[ please, please, please:  72 chars / line, please, please, please ]

On Wed, 19 May 2004 09:22:51 +0000
Johnny Wong <necro at> wrote:

> Thanks for help, guys. It's now displaying attached images as
> expected. All I did was copy an apache mime.types file to
> /etc/mime.types or ~/.sylpheed/mime.types works both way. But when I
> view html mail with dillo plugin, it shows html page without images.
> Is that normal?

If the images are external yes; it protects you from spammers that put a
little 1x1 external image to know if your address is working.

Unregistered ;) FreeBSD "user"

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