FreeBSD ports that you maintain which are currently marked broken

Kris Kennaway kris at
Wed May 19 04:26:45 PDT 2004

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 12:46:19PM +0200, Stefan Walter wrote:
> Stefan Walter in gmane.os.freebsd.devel.ports:
> >> portname:           security/siphon
> >> broken because:     Does not fetch
> >> build errors:       none.
> >> overview: 
> >=3Dsecurity&portname=3Dsiphon
> >
> > seems to have the missing file, but access
> > to it is forbidden. I mailed the responsible person.
> > and various other sources indicate
> > the project's dead, though.
> The missing file is available as [1] now, but the person managing the
> site confirmed that the project is dead. Its OS fingerprints database is
> from 2000, and there's still net-mgmt/p0f, which seems to be actively
> developed and more up to date.
> If noone explicitly votes for keeping the port, I won't send a PR to fix
> it, so it'll be removed with the next garbage collection run.
> [1]

Yeah, probably best to let it die.  It was a good proof of concept
that has found better successors.

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