perl 5.8.3 in ports

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Thu Mar 25 08:41:37 PST 2004

+-le 25/03/2004 10:42 -0500, Vivek Khera a dit :
| On Mar 25, 2004, at 6:27 AM, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
|> tobez is working on an update. Updating perl may not seem to be as 
|> simple as
|> you think :-)
| I don't expect it to be very simple... kinda like updating postfix across
| major versions: a heck of a lot changes and it takes time...  but it has
| been quite some time now, and nothing posted to ports@ (until now) that it
| is being worked on.

tobez usually answer quite fast when asked things :-)

Mathieu Arnold
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