clamav port...

Evren Yurtesen yurtesen at
Wed Mar 17 04:15:21 PST 2004

Oliver Eikemeier wrote:

> Evren Yurtesen wrote:
>> Can you make it so that the installer can choose under which 
>> username/group the clamav port will operate instead of using the 
>> default clamav?
> clamav-devel does this. Is this a useful feature?

Well, quite, I use qscand (qmail scanner) with clamav, now the problem 
is that clamd is not able to scan the files qscand created. It says cant 
read file...
I solved the problem simply by setting clamd to run as qscand.

If now I use portupgrade to upgrade clamav to new version, portupgrade 
will add this clamav user again and chown the log directories, which 
makes clamd not able to write there as qscand. :)

If I could define clamav to use qscand user even after portupgrade, 
things would get a lot easier for me. I dont have to set the directories 
after each upgrade of clamav.

After all, this is an option for a user, the default install can use the 
clamav user. I dont mind. But when I supply some argument to use 
username qscand, it should comply. At least shouldnt chown the 
directories already existing to clamav in upgrade process


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