FreeBSD Port: vim-6.2.154

Simon Barner barner at
Mon Mar 15 15:51:58 PST 2004


David O'Brien wrote:
> > The vim 6.2.514 via the port compiles with:
> > +multi_lang
> > (and that's OK) and:
> > -gettext
> > (as shown by :version)
> > 
> > In *usr_45.txt* one can read that the vim compiled with -gettext (or
> > -multi_lang) is unable to handle different languages. Unfortunately it's
> > true :( Could you simple tell me what is the best way to reconfigure
> > makefiles for compiling the vim _with_ +gettext? AFAIK the vim port
> > depends on the gettext port so I'd expect it to be a default compilation..
> Sorry, I really don't know.  I would ask on the Vim lists.

I just a quick look, and it seems that you have to get the language
files from [1] and extract them into ${WRKSRC} before configuring the

Unfortunatelly, I don't know whether and how to implement a conditional
fetch & extract for the language pack file, so I have not attached a

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