Problems compiling Apache2 under 5.2.1-P1
Eivind Olsen
eivind at
Fri Mar 12 04:19:47 PST 2004
--On 12. mars 2004 13:03 +0100 Clement Laforet <clement at> wrote:
> That's pretty odd. I've never seen this error before.
> Can you run freebsd-restore ( and
> send me the pseudo port ?
> Thanks!
I'll send you the pseudo-port in a private message, let me know if you
don't receive it.
On a different note, I did a CVS-checkout of the previous Apache2-port
(2.0.48_3, the most recent is 2.0.48_4), and it compiles OK.
Regards / Hilsen
Eivind Olsen
<eivind at>
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