radiant ?

h h at llorien.org
Mon Jun 21 09:38:09 GMT 2004

problem is there is no source :-( and i don't have the technical skills to 
create the port. i'm just a gamer trying to get this great program to the 
awareness of porters.

if you find a way to get it to run keep me posted, thanks

On Sunday 20 June 2004 20:19, Karel J. Bosschaart wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 19, 2004 at 02:07:49PM +0200, h wrote:
> > someone port radiant the 3D games map editor ?
> >
> > http://www.qeradiant.com
> >
> > the linux binary won't install because
> > This installation doesn't support glibc-2.1 on FreeBSD / x86
> > (tried to run setup.gtk)
> No problem with installing here on 4.10 (linux_base-8), but you have
> to run it in a linux shell: /usr/compat/linux/bin/sh
> linux-radiant-1.4.0.run so the installer 'sees' the correct Linux versions
> for glibc and kernel. Some complaints about unimplemented ioctl's but that
> shouldn't hurt.
> Running it requires some additional ports; I had to add devel/linux-glib2.
> I assume linux-gtk is also necessary. Still no-go for running it:
> ./radiant.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libxml2.so.2: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> I didn't see a port for linux-libxml2 (there is linux-libxml but I don't
> expect it to work). You have to find an rpm for this and install it
> within the linux compat directory (using rpm), or write a port for it if
> you want to do it properly.
> Of course, the best way is to compile the source for FreeBSD :-).
> (Interesting program BTW, didn't know about it until now)
> Regards,
> Karel.
> !DSPAM:40d67108181861016337339!

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