Port: digikam [broken]

Drew Broadley drew at corrupt.co.nz
Wed Jun 9 07:53:10 GMT 2004

Andy Fawcett wrote:

>On Wednesday 09 June 2004 06:10, Drew Broadley wrote:
>>gmake[3]: Entering directory
>>../dcop/dcopidl/dcopidl ./ksycoca.h > ksycoca.kidl || ( rm -f
>>ksycoca.kidl ; false )
>>Fatal error 'Spinlock called when not threaded.' at line 83 in file
>You have two different threading libraries on your system.
>See /usr/src/UPDATING, entries 20040130 and 20040303
>(In other words, the port's probably not broken, your system is)
It was infact because of the /etc/libmap.conf file being modified and 
missing the following lines:

libpthread.so.1         libpthread.so.1
libpthread.so           libpthread.so

libc_r.so.5             libpthread.so.1
libc_r.so               libpthread.so

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