weak implementation of threads has problems - kse fix attached

Daniel Eischen eischen at vigrid.com
Tue Jun 8 05:34:42 GMT 2004

On Tue, 8 Jun 2004, John Birrell wrote:

> [ cross-post lists cut back, ports added 8-) ]
> On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 11:48:45PM -0500, Dan Nelson wrote:
> > A good addition to bsd.port.mk, right next to the "possible network
> > server" etc checks, might be to run ldd on all installed shared
> > libraries and print a warning if any threads libraries show up.  There
> > are a huge number of ports that install shlibs linked to libpthreads.
> Good idea.

Just picking a message at random to reply to...

In case anyone wonders why we don't use strong references, I chose to
mimic what Solaris does:

  bash-2.05$ nm /lib/libpthread.so.1 | grep pthread_mutex_lock
  0000000000003c80 T _pthread_mutex_lock
  0000000000003c80 W pthread_mutex_lock

  bash-2.05$ nm /lib/libc.so.1 | grep pthread_mutex_lock
  0000000000096c38 W _pthread_mutex_lock
  0000000000096c38 W pthread_mutex_lock

It is also easy to provide your own version of pthread_foo() without
having any strong references override it.

Dan Eischen

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