2 PHP Questions

Alex Dupre ale at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jul 26 02:23:04 PDT 2004

Gerard Samuel wrote:

> 1.  Am I supposed to manually enable support in apache's config file, or is 
>     this an oversight/or soon to come in an update?

You have to enable it manually. Only apache modules can be automatically 

> I noticed that the php config file /usr/local/etc/php.ini only contains the 
> extensions (that I installed via the port php-extensions).
> 2.  Is this going to be the new format of the php.ini file for FreeBSD's php
>     port,  (instead of including all the php.ini options)?

That's not a new format: the PHP ports have never installed a default 
php.ini, they rely on the php binary settings by default. If you like, 
you have to copy/customize a sample php.ini. PHP extensions will add a 
row into php.ini to enable themselves.

Alex Dupre

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