IMP breakage?

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Sun Jul 25 05:11:03 PDT 2004

On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 12:46:46PM +0200, Nagilum wrote:
> Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> >On Sun, 25 Jul 2004, Matthew Seaman wrote:

> >>  ii) PEAR modules -- in order to use PEAR at all, you need to
> >>      install the devel/php4-pear port, as well as whichever pear-*
> >>      ports are required.  Ports that require PEAR modules should be
> >>      modified to set the WANT_PHP_PEAR option, but that hasn't been
> >>      appied to many of them yet.  Setting it in /etc/make.conf for
> >>      the time being is a good workaround.

> From my own experience I can only advice against setting WANT_PHP_PEAR 
> in /etc/make.conf!
> ..and other php related threads right now.
> In fact I removed all my old php specific stuff from /etc/make.conf.

Ah -- good call.  Does it work to use WANT_PHP_PEAR on the make
command line instead?  I'm beginning to think the WANT_PHP_FOO
variables maybe should be divided up a bit further into more clearly
demarkated porter-only USE_PHP_FOO and user-only WITH_PHP_FOO or
WANT_PHP_FOO versions.

> >'k, since I'm kinda hitting the exact same thing here, if I want to 
> >'mimic' what I had installed before this whole re-org, I just need to 
> >uninstall:
> >
> >php4-4.3.7_1
> >
> >And then install:
> >
> >lang/php4-extensions
> >devel/php4-pear
> >
> >And I'll be back in business?

> What I did was pkg_delete pear\* and then reinstall php4, php4-pear, 
> php-extensions (do a "make config" there) pear-PEAR and all required 
> pear modules (try http://yourside/horde/test.php and 
> http://yourside/horde/imp/test.php !)
> Unfortunately this means imp will be offline for a few hours it takes to 
> build all this stuff.
> After that everything should be swell again, I'm still running 
> horde-2.2.5 + imp, because the php update was enough for one weekend 
> .-). Maybe I'll update horde/imp when both have been updated but so far 
> I see no need as everthing works fine (even pkgdb -F has nothing to 
> complain).

Ho hum.  I'm not running Imp, but I hit the same sort of problems with
some code of my own.  Installing lang/php4-pear was required, and I
have a feeling I had to tweak some settings in php.ini to get the pear
stuff to work -- independent of the tweaks required to make the php
extensions load up properly.  But YMMV.

As I said, supplying the extra pieces by hand generally works.
There's a couple of things I've seen mentioned on the lists which
can't be fixed like that -- fsockopen() needing OpenSSL support to be
compiled in before it will do TLS or SSL tbased transports is probably
the worst. (I think, although I can't confirm it, that may not be a
problem any more in PHP5).



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP:         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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