devel/linux_devtools question

Michael Nottebrock michaelnottebrock at
Fri Jul 9 23:37:40 PDT 2004

On Saturday 10 July 2004 00:20, andrew clarke wrote:

> $chroot /compat/linux
> chroot: /compat/linux: Operation not permitted
> Hmm.  I've never used chroot.

Only the superuser may use chroot.

> Either way, I tend to think the linux_devtools port is missing some
> important files:
> $pwd
> /usr/compat/linux
> $find . | grep -c linux/errno

That header is part of the Linux kernel and comes with the kernel sources. 
It's kind of debatable if the linux_devtools port should really go ahead and 
install those - they are really big and freebsd's linux emulator is not 
exactly a good testing enviroment for Linux kernel modules. :)

Of course there's a lot of software around that bogusly uses Linux kernel 
includes (and makes porters curse and rant) although it shouldn't. 

FWIW, you can still grab a Linux kernel source and install the missing headers 
from that yourself.

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | lofi at
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     |
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD |
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