Call for feedback on a Ports-collection change
Garance A Drosihn
drosih at
Sun Jan 11 19:16:54 PST 2004
At 2:56 PM -0800 1/9/04, Allan Bowhill wrote:
>I can vaguely recall the last really big global change to
>ports, when Satoshi (then Ports Manager) consolidated some
>files and directories to reduce inode usage.
>One thing I remember was CVSup having problems cleaning up
>old files and directories. Perhaps I didn't have the delete
>option set, or the sup datafiles got mangled, I can't recall.
>I can remember solving it by deleting ports entirely,
>then re-CVSupping.
I have also been bitten by this at times in the past, perhaps
due to some error on my part. In my case the problem was
caused by patch-files which did not get deleted, and thus
they got applied even though they were no longer relevant.
My thought is that if all the information for a port is in
a single file, then you only have to care if that one file
is up-to-date.
>If you can afford to, I think it might be worthwhile to
>publish a short document describing the anticipated design,
>benefits, and impact of your idea. Then nobody can complain
>changes were dropped on them by surprise.
Well, I can not make the actual change by myself, so I have
to hope that I can convince some long-time ports-developers
that my vision has something worthwhile to it... :-)
Thus, I expect that I *must* find the time to organize my
thoughts better, and let experienced ports-developers offer
feedback on that. I hope to have something more to say
in the next week or two. Note that I am expecting this
project will take at least a month or two before we would
be far enough along to commit any changes, so it's not like
everyone has to make up their minds in the next few days.
And obviously no changes would be committed unless I can
come up with something that is attractive to a significant
number of ports developers...
Garance Alistair Drosehn = gad at
Senior Systems Programmer or gad at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute or drosih at
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