Two package questions

Kris Kennaway kris at
Mon Feb 9 14:04:33 PST 2004

On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 09:57:24PM +0000, Lee Harr wrote:
> I know this is the "ports" mailing list, but I hope this is the right
> place to ask these...

> If there are machines constantly building the ports collection
> all the time, how come all of the packages are not available
> for installing from packages?

Some are broken (do not build), and some may not be redistributed
because of license restrictions.  Also, we can't update the packages
constantly, because that would put an enormous strain on the mirror

> and 2nd...
> How can I have a package p installed that depends on package
> x but when I create p.tgz and x.tgz packages (using
> package_create -b) there are still dependencies missing
> (like the wrong version of a shared lib) Is that a bug to
> report? Or have I done something wrong with portupgrade?

You'll have to be more specific..include command output.

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