database tables for VuXML

Dan Langille dan at
Mon Aug 23 07:54:03 PDT 2004

On 23 Aug 2004 at 9:29, Jacques A. Vidrine wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 08:50:21PM -0400, Dan Langille wrote:
> > A thought which came to me overnight: does anyone have suggestions as
> > to how existing FreshPorts pages should be modified to include VuXML
> > messages?  Please feel free to take an existing FreshPorts page, do a
> > file-save-as, and alter the HTML to suit.  Then give us the URL where
> > we can find your version.
> >
> > My idea: Take as an
> > example.  I think adding a special icon to the left hand colum under
> > Commit History.  Alternatives welcome.
> First something off-topic:  Dan, how do you generate the package names
> that are seen in that left-hand column?  I've often thought it would
> be handy to see the "history" of package names, and that seems to be
> exactly what you have there.

The package names?  I think you are referring to PORTVERSION and 
PORTREVISION.  For example, 1.34.6 is PORTVERSION, and 2 is the 
PORTREVISION.  This information is generated from the following:


Is that what you are referring to?

> Personally, I think a special icon with a link to
><id>.html (or internally rendered page) and an
> ALT="<topic>" would be just swell!  It might also be handy to have
> a bright warning in the top, main section if the HEAD is currently
> affected... similar to how you handle FORBIDDEN, BROKEN, IGNORE, etc
> ports.

I welcome example icons!

I was thinking to link people to the internal FreshPorts pages, and 
from there to the official pages if they want 
additional information.
Dan Langille :

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