please test 1.1.3 (editors/openoffice-1.1-devel rev 1.152)

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at
Fri Aug 13 09:21:48 PDT 2004

> Please test new openoffice-1.1-devel port.
> Makefile Revision is 1.152.

Compilation just finished on my system, which is -CURRENT as of 
yesterday. No crashes, core dumps or other hiccups. Just plain compiled 
and installed beautifully and runs without any problems as far as I can 
tell. Good job, thanks for your efforts!

> cd files; perl gives *full* build shell script of OOo.

I skipped that as I'm not sure what I would do with a build shell 
script. I just went the usual ports "make" / "make install" route.

- Bartosz

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