changing a Makefile based on user input

Fernan Aguero fernan at
Thu Aug 5 06:43:54 PDT 2004

+----[ Sven Esbjerg <esbjerg at> (05.Aug.2004 10:20):
| > Yes, and you can do that from your port's Makefile by
| > calling ${SED} or ${REINPLACE_CMD}.
| I have noticed that i several ports but I haven't seen it mentioned in the
| documentation.

I don't have the porter's handbook in my head ... perhaps
it's not there but it's certainly in Look in
there and you'll see a list of variables that you can use to
call executables and their default args.

| > Happy porting!
| Thanks. And thank you for the quick reply.


| Sven


PS: I'm sending the message again to the list so you can get
it (the previous message I sent to your address bounced
(seems like it didn't like my address)

Fernan Aguero -  fernan at
Phone: +54 11 4580-7255/7 ext 310, Fax: +54 11 4752-9639
Check for more info.

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