problem upgrading to Gn0me 2.6 (was: glib version not
Jeremy Messenger
mezz7 at
Tue Apr 6 18:11:00 PDT 2004
On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 20:54:27 -0400, Robert Huff <roberthuff at> wrote:
> ! net/edonkey-gui-gtk (edonkey-gui-gtk-0.6.1_1) (linker error)
> (Full 12 mb file or sections thereof available on request.)
> Never seen portupgrade death by linker error before. What's
> wrong? Also: is there a way to re-run the srcipt and not rebuild
> everything that's already successdully installed?
Check in the pkg_info to make sure everything is update. Same as check the
date (ls -l) in the /var/db/pkg/* to see if most of them are recently, so
it means you don't have to re-run the script. It's only edonkey-gui-gtk
that has been failed and I have a patch in an attach, so can you test it?
> Robert Huff
-- 's moderator, mezz.
-------------- next part --------------
diff -ur edonkey-gui-gtk.orig/Makefile edonkey-gui-gtk/Makefile
--- edonkey-gui-gtk.orig/Makefile Sun Apr 4 22:30:32 2004
+++ edonkey-gui-gtk/Makefile Tue Apr 6 20:05:30 2004
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
@${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e 's|^(SUBDIRS.*)docs|\1|' \
+ ${WRKSRC}/configure
@${LN} -s ed2k_gui ${PREFIX}/bin/${PORTNAME}${PKGNAMESUFFIX}
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