Open Office

Arjan van Leeuwen avleeuwen at
Sun Oct 5 11:35:06 PDT 2003

On Sunday 05 October 2003 04:20, Andrew Carroll wrote:
> Dear Sir or Ma'am,
> I just purchased the FreeBSD 5.1 box set which includes the Toolkit and the
> installation CD's.  I am looking for the Open Office package.  Can you tell
> me the filename I should look for?  Is that package on the toolkit or the 4
> CD's that aren't a part of the toolkit?
> I've searched on all 10 CD's and it doesn't seem to be on any of them.  If
> it is a "distfile" what is that name?
> Thanks for any help you can provide.

I don't know if they're on the CDs, but OpenOffice packages can be downloaded 

Best regards,


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