Ports conflicts: `lib/libiberty.a'

Lev Serebryakov lev at FreeBSD.org
Sat Oct 11 00:42:48 PDT 2003

Hello, Kris!
Saturday, October 11, 2003, 5:44:51 AM, you wrote:

>>   I think, it is invalid situation. Because DISABLE_CONFLICTS=yes
>>   could afraid some users and here is no conflicts, really, but
>>   overwriting of unused files.
KK> The invalid situation is two ports installing the same file.  That is
KK> broken behaviour and should be fixed.
 Yes, I agree with you. And I'll try to fix this behavior in my
 binutils/gcc ports (and I'm maintaining 3 targets now -- mipsel-linux,
 mingw32 and msp430). But I afraid, that it will be big and ugly
 patches on Makefile.in files, which should be changed after each new
 release :(

               Lev Serebryakov

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