TOTD small malfuntion !!

Kris Kennaway kris at
Fri Nov 21 07:22:08 PST 2003

On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 11:43:37AM -0000, Fernando Correia wrote:
> Hello,
> While experimenting IPv6 and NAT-PT implementations using the "totd" as
> a DNS proxy, I found a small bug !?. Aparently it can't deal with more
> than 2 levels of alias in a DNS response and it hang's the aplication
> that make the dns query (ex. Browser, ping, traceroute) returning a no
> address message.
> My question is, is it suposed to do that or is it a detail to be
> corrected in totd ?
> Thank you for your attention,

Ask the totd developers...FreeBSD does not maintain this software.

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