FreeBSD Port: pornview-0.2.0.p.1

Jonathan Belson jon at
Sat May 17 09:39:22 PDT 2003

rik Trulsson wrote:
> With that definition of stdin/stdout/stderr the code in pornview
> happens to work.  I suspect that code wasn't tested on anything except
> Linux.

Not uncommon, unfortunately.

> A bit of Googling leads me to believe that they were required to be
> macros in C89 as well, even though many implementations didn't define
> them that way.
> Unfortunately I don't have a copy of the original ANSI C standard so I
> can't check what it says there.

I couldn't see any reference to stdin/stdout/stderr other than the one
I quoted you.

> I don't think "lovely" is a word I will ever use to describe anything
> involving #undef.  "Ugly" is the word that comes to mind when thinking
> about any situation that would require the use of #undef.

Um, I was being sarcastic.

>>I'll contact the author and explain the situation, someone else can
>>look at/commit the patch you posted.



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