break up cyclic dependency openldap21 <-> cyrus-sasl2
Christian Kratzer
ck at
Thu May 15 15:03:07 PDT 2003
On Thu, 15 May 2003, Guy Middleton wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 11:56:05AM +0200, Oliver Eikemeier wrote:
> > Christian Kratzer wrote:
> > >>
> > >>I'm trying to enable OpenLDAP 2.1 SASL support. It is easy to patch
> > >>net/openldap21 and security/cyrus-sasl2 so that they compile with each
> > >>other, but then I've got a cyclic dependency cyrus-sasl-2.1.12 ->
> > >>openldap21-2.1.16 -> cyrus-sasl-2.1.12. Obvioulsy portupgrade doesn't
> > >>like cyclic dependencies. FreeBSD Porter's Handbook
> > >><>
> > >>does not mention this, so I am stuck.
> > >
> > > one more point. Openldap >= 2.1.13 breaks cyrus-sasl2 because of api
> > > changes. I have mailed the cyrus-sasl2 maintainer with patches
> > > that address this and other points.
> > >
> > > I will send a pr later today to address this.
> >
> > The patches are already in the cyrus CVS, you just have to remove ldap
> > caching from saslauthd/lak.[ch], but I think we have to address the
> > dependency problem too. Splitting up cyrus-sasl and the saslauthd looks
> > like a good plan to me, and the you have to do the patches on saslauthd.
> I just ran into the same problem myself -- I would like to compile OpenLDAP
> with SASL support, and I don't really need saslauthd, so the direction of
> dependency in the ports collection is backwards for me.
I was going to whip up a saslauthd-ldap port but can't currently find
time to do it.
On the other hand there is a new openldap version just released and
I would like to get the other parts of the patch committed. So I will
reverse the dependency to make sasl optional again and send a new pr updated
to openldap-2.1.19 over the weekend.
CK Software GmbH
Christian Kratzer, Schwarzwaldstr. 31, 71131 Jettingen
Email: ck at
Phone: +49 7452 889-135 Open Software Solutions, Network Security
Fax: +49 7452 889-136 FreeBSD spoken here!
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