Problems with Perl port on -CURRENT

Arjan van Leeuwen avleeuwen at
Thu May 15 02:34:08 PDT 2003

On Thursday 15 May 2003 11:19, Anton Berezin wrote:
> Arjan,
> On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 09:23:52PM +0200, Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:
> > I'm trying to upgrade my lang/perl5 port on -CURRENT, but the port
> > fails in the configure phase. It seems to want to use -ldl (why?). Is
> > there an easy way to fix this?
> Please make sure that you DO NOT have libdl.* in your /usr/lib.  This is
> a known problem, and it is a problem with your setup, not with
> lang/perl5 port.  libdl library is a linux library which is normally
> found in /compat/linux/lib.  It has no business to be present in
> /usr/lib.

The library is in /usr/local/lib (a symbolic link), and is installed by the 
linux_base-7.1_3 port:

amd760% cd /usr/local/lib
amd760% pkg_which

I'm sure I haven't put it there myself, so I guess the port made the symlink.

Anyway, I can upgrade now :). Thanks.


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