Update: databases/p5-DBD-ODBC
Mathieu Arnold
mat at mat.cc
Sun May 11 00:03:09 PDT 2003
I've already submitted a pr for this.
+-le 11/05/03 00:28 -0500, Philip M. Gollucci écrivait :
|> Submitter-Id: current-users
|> Originator: Philip M. Gollucci
|> Organization: P6M7G8 Consulting
|> Confidential: no
|> Synopsis: Update: databases/p5-DBD-ODBC
|> Severity: non-critical
|> Priority: high
|> Category: ports
|> Class: update | maintainer-update
|> Release: FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE-p7 i386
|> Environment:
| System: FreeBSD p6m7g8.com 5.0-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE-p7 #2: Mon
| May 5 23:07:20 EST 2003 philip at p6m7g8:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/PHILIP-SCSI i386
|> Description:
| I'll take maintainership of this one if nobody else wants it.
|> How-To-Repeat:
|> Fix:
| --- p5-DBD-ODBC.diff begins here ---
| Index: Makefile
| ===================================================================
| RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/databases/p5-DBD-ODBC/Makefile,v
| retrieving revision 1.4
| diff -u -r1.4 Makefile
| --- Makefile 2003/02/20 17:00:17 1.4
| +++ Makefile 2003/05/11 04:26:18
| @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
| #
| CATEGORIES= databases perl5
| Index: distinfo
| ===================================================================
| RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/databases/p5-DBD-ODBC/distinfo,v
| retrieving revision 1.1
| diff -u -r1.1 distinfo
| --- distinfo 2001/11/30 10:40:02 1.1
| +++ distinfo 2003/05/11 04:26:18
| @@ -1 +1 @@
| -MD5 (DBD-ODBC-0.28.tar.gz) = 6d10506799daecfb6cacbc1dce1b9afe
| +MD5 (DBD-ODBC-1.05.tar.gz) = 15fc684b7d658d73193fbab761d6b6f2
| Index: pkg-plist
| ===================================================================
| RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/databases/p5-DBD-ODBC/pkg-plist,v
| retrieving revision 1.1
| diff -u -r1.1 pkg-plist
| --- pkg-plist 2001/11/30 10:40:02 1.1
| +++ pkg-plist 2003/05/11 04:26:18
| @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
| lib/perl5/site_perl/%%PERL_VER%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/DBD/ODBC.pm
| +lib/perl5/site_perl/%%PERL_VER%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/DBD/ODBC/Changes.pm
| lib/perl5/site_perl/%%PERL_VER%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/DBD/ODBC/ODBC.bs
| lib/perl5/site_perl/%%PERL_VER%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/DBD/ODBC/ODBC.so
| lib/perl5/site_perl/%%PERL_VER%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/DBD/ODBC/.packlist
| --- p5-DBD-ODBC.diff ends here ---
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Mathieu Arnold
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