What is the best place to install additional icon sets?
Doug Barton
DougB at FreeBSD.org
Sat May 10 14:40:50 PDT 2003
On Fri, 9 May 2003, David Johnson wrote:
> On Friday 09 May 2003 02:45 pm, Adam Weinberger wrote:
> > X stuff goes under /usr/X11R6.
> But are icons "X stuff"?
Can they be displayed in a non-X environment (more or less, can they be
displayed on the console)? If not, they are "X stuff."
> And if they are, then why isn't KDE considered
> "X stuff" as well? Is KDE a second class citizen that GNOME can be
> installed there but KDE cannot?
This is a ridiculous question, and serves no useful purpose. Please
refrain from posting such obvious flame-bait on freebsd lists.
> Another thing to consider is that KDE at least should be able to use
> icons created specifically for it.
Moot point. No matter where we install icons using the ports system, the
freebsd port of kde can be modified to find them quite easily.
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