INDEX fails at /usr/ports/palm

Kent Stewart kstewart at
Wed May 7 12:01:12 PDT 2003

On Tuesday 06 May 2003 05:44 pm, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 05:29:37PM -0700, Robert English wrote:
> > Hello -
> >
> > just a few minutes ago, after doing the regular daily cvsup, the
> > index compile broke - it left this message at the top of the
> > resulting index file:
> >
> > *** Error code 1|||||||
> > Stop in /usr/ports/palm.|||||||
> > Stop in /usr/ports.|||||||
> > Stop.|||||||
> > There is no COMMENT variable defined|||||||
> > for this port. Please, rectify this.
> Clean INDEX builds appear to be completing successfully, so the most
> likely explanation is that you have something stale in palm/ that is
> causing the error.  Try 'make describe' in /usr/ports/palm to track
> down what is failing.

Deleting /usr/ports and recvsuping works. If I have anything stale in my 
/usr/ports tree, it is because it was updated between some changes that 
deleted ports and left the ../work/ with old comments in them.

FWIW, I went through them last night and there were 145 ports that had 
either a Makefile and no ../work or a ../work and no Makefile. A 
current cvsup of ports-all from my local cvs-mirror works. It was the 
system that was cvsuped almost everyday that had massive problems. I 
think the cvs changes that deleted these ports was modified/eliminated 
too soon.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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