Files shared by multiple ports

Henrik Motakef henrik.motakef at
Fri May 2 16:42:15 PDT 2003


I have several ports that are strictly speaking independent of one
another. (It's a library compiled for several lisp implementations,
and one for the sources.) However, they have one file in common that
is used to find and load the library.

It is not a good solution to simply install several versions of this
file. I also cannot just have each port install the file, scince the
first pkg_delete would break all others. There are other ways to
handle it, none of which is particularly elegant, like creating a port
just for this file the others depend on (seems stupid), or installing
it with the source port and have the compiled ones depend on that (I'd
rather allow binary-only installations, too).

The ideal solution would be to remove this file only when the last
port is deleted, for example by querying the package database. Is
there a sane way to do this?


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