postfix+sasl2+db41+ldap21 ports install problem?
Scot W. Hetzel
hetzels at
Mon Jun 30 18:32:07 PDT 2003
From: "Mauro Boschi" <mauro.gufi at>
> I'm trying to install postfix+sasl2+db41+ldap21 via postfix port on a
> 4.8-STABLE. Everything seems going well but I've notice a stange warning
> during the sasl port install in the /var/log/messages:
> Jun 22 00:28:23 bsd48 saslpasswd2: Could not open db
> Jun 22 00:28:23 bsd48 saslpasswd2: Couldn't update db
> Jun 22 00:28:24 bsd48 last message repeated 5 times
> this happend when the sasl port was running ldconfig:
> ===> Compressing manual pages for cyrus-sasl-2.1.13_4
> ===> Running ldconfig
> /sbin/ldconfig -m /usr/local/lib
> ===> Registering installation for cyrus-sasl-2.1.13_4
The error wasn't caused by ldconfig, it was caused during the running of
pkg-install. When the ${PREFIX}/etc/sasldb* file doesn't exist, the
pkg-install script attempts to create an empty sasldb* file with these
echo "test" | ${PREFIX}/bin/saslpasswd2 -p -c cyrus
${PREFIX}/bin/saslpasswd2 -d cyrus
chown cyrus:mail ${PREFIX}/etc/sasldb2
chmod 640 ${PREFIX}/etc/sasldb2
The first command adds user "cyrus" with password "test" to the sasldb file,
this is what causes the error to occur due to there was no sasldb* file for
saslpasswd2 to open (these errors can be ignored). Next it deletes the
"cyrus" user from the sasldb2 file, leaving us with a empty sasldb2 file.
Finaly, we set the correct owner, group and permisions on the sasldb2 file.
> the problem now is that I'm unable to correctly use the sasl layer.
> There is something that I can do to install "in the right way" postifix
> sasl2?
> What I'm doing wrong? I've test this on various system 4.8-RELEASE,
> 4.8-STABLE and 5.1-RELEASE...
> I really need SMTP AUTH! : )
Starting with revison *_3 or *_4 of the security/cyrus-sasl2 port, it was
broken in two due to a circular dependancy was being caused by the OpenLDAP
port depending on the security/cyrus-sasl2 port and the saslauthd daemon was
being compiled to use ldap for user authentication in the
security/cyrus-sasl2 port. You now need to install the
security/cyrus-sasl2-saslauthd, if you want to use either pam or ldap for
authentication of your users.
You also need to set the pwcheck_method (sasldb or saslauthd) appropriately
for your postfix installation (${PREFIX}/lib/sasl2/Postfix.conf (check your
postfix docs for the correct name of this file)).
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