Scribus 1.0 problems and glitches

Michael Collette metrol at
Thu Jul 31 22:56:46 PDT 2003

Running into a display problem with Scribus here that I was hoping to find out 
if someone else has been seeing or not.

The base application works great.  I've already worked up a couple of flyers 
for a friend using the older version.  This is really a fantastic 

My problem seems to be new with version 1.0.  Zooming in and out of the 
document view causes the fonts being displayed to mash up into eachother so 
they appear to overlap.  I'm guessing this problem has to do with freetype2 
as the Scribus web site mentions that this needs to be installed in order for 
zooming to work.

After a cvsup of my ports tree I forced a reinstall of freetype2, and then 
upgraded ghostscript.  I then forced a reinstall of Scribus itself.  After 
all that I still can't zoom into a document.  This is pretty critical, as the 
100% view is simply too small to work with.

BTW, Scribus does recognize that freetype2 is installed during the configure 
process, and I can see library includes occurring during the compile.  At 
least that much is working.

I don't believe this is a general Scribus bug as their have been lots of 
reviews in the press concerning this product running under Linux.  There's 
either something wrong with the FreeBSD implementation or just my box.

Running: 4.8-STABLE #1: Thu Jun 26 04:50:40 PDT 2003

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In practice, there is."
- Yogi Berra

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