portinstall cannot find new xfce4 port

Ryan T. Dean rtdean at cytagen.com
Wed Jul 30 18:47:59 PDT 2003

At 10:48 AM 7/31/2003 +1000, Robert Backhaus wrote:
>It seems that portinstall cannot find the xfce4 port.
>This may be because it is not listed in either the INDEX or INDEX-5
>I do not know if this is by design, but, just in case, I thought I'd bring it
>to your attention.Commands -
># portinstall xfce4
>** No such installed package nor such port called 'xfce4' is found.

You can rebuild your INDEX file yourself.  :)

cd /usr/ports; make index; portinstall xfce4
portsdb -Uu; portinstall xfce4


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